Portrait of the Father
Portrait of the Father

Acrylic Mixed Media on Canvas

36” X 36”

Portrait of the Mother
Portrait of the Mother

Acrylic Mixed Media on Canvas

36” X 36”

Portrait of the Artist
Portrait of the Artist

Acrylic Mixed Media on Canvas

36” X 36”

Portrait of the Poet
Portrait of the Poet

Acrylic Mixed Media on Canvas

36” X 36”

Touched By God
Touched By God

Acrylic Mixed Media on Canvas

36” X 36”

Portrait of the Father
Portrait of the Mother
Portrait of the Artist
Portrait of the Poet
Touched By God
Portrait of the Father

Acrylic Mixed Media on Canvas

36” X 36”

Portrait of the Mother

Acrylic Mixed Media on Canvas

36” X 36”

Portrait of the Artist

Acrylic Mixed Media on Canvas

36” X 36”

Portrait of the Poet

Acrylic Mixed Media on Canvas

36” X 36”

Touched By God

Acrylic Mixed Media on Canvas

36” X 36”

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